Why Greyology?
Edin Read
Greyology provides Technology Support for Seniors. My favourite part of Greyology is listening to clients talk about the professions they once were a huge part of, and how they were a keystone person in creating a change which I would have taken for granted any other day. I’m yet to meet a client who isn’t satisfied with Greyology’s service, and I am proud to operate Greyology and gain great satisfaction from helping clients.
Greyology’s ideation occurred a few years ago when I went to visit my Grandparents who live in Sydney. My Grandma had waited months for me to come down so that she could buy an iPad. I was bamboozled that she was stressed about buying something simply because the world of technology is large and she was afraid of making a mistake. After sitting down with her and discussing her options, she felt far more comfortable in proceeding with the purchase, knowing I was going to be there to help set it up and teach her how to use it.
The struggle was further evident when we did buy it, that although it was exactly the same as her iPhone, it was very confusing for her, and it took a few hours of sitting down with her to understand the basics of using her new piece of technology. This sparked something in me and I thought that the demand for Technology Support for Seniors might exist.
On that same day, she was struggling with her phone. So we went to a phone help shop which I was quite sceptical of. They wanted to charge Grandma an exorbitant amount to reset her phone, something that is straightforward to do. I said to my Grandma that it wasn’t worth it and instead that I can fix it. Within a few minutes I had it sorted, and my Grandma’s stress was relived.
After all of this it had occurred to me that my Gandma wasn’t alone. How many other Seniors are afraid to take the next step into this unfamiliar tech world?
I don’t know how to use a rotary phone or a typewriter, why should Seniors be expected to just know how to use the most complex human inventions ever?
My own Grandma suggested the name Greyology - Grey Technology. The typewriter logo is a throwback to systems that my clients have used, but I never have. It’s to symbolise that although I’m experienced and knowledgeable in the area of technology, my learning is never complete, and there are always opportunities to learn off of eachother.
Since this moment with my Grandma, I sharpened my skills and opened Greyology to the public.
Please contact Greyology if you’d like to receive our Technology Support.
1300 GREY IT (1300 4739 48)